Revenue of the beauty tech market Australia 2018-2028

Revenue of the beauty tech market in Australia from 2018 to 2028

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Beauty tech refers to the intersection of technology and the beauty industry. It encompasses the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT), to enhance and revolutionize various aspects of the beauty and cosmetics sector. Beauty tech involves the development and application of digital tools and devices that aim to enhance beauty-related experiences, improve skincare routines, and provide personalized beauty solutions.

L’Oréal, for example, has launched a lipstick printer, called Rouge Sur Mesure, which generates a custom-made lipstick shade at the touch of a button, with the dedicated app recommending a lipstick shade or users selecting their preferred color. Another well-known beauty tech product is Luna Fofo, a smart skincare device invented by the Swedish company Foreo. It is an electronic facial cleansing brush that includes a skin analysis function. Thanks to their advanced technology, these products enable consumers to have new beauty-related experiences.

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