Revenue of the industrial robotics market in Indonesia 2020-2029

Revenue in the industrial robotics market in Indonesia from 2020 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Industrial Robotics market covers use cases that focus on the design, manufacturing, and deployment of robotic systems for industrial applications. The market encompasses the use of robots and automation technologies in manufacturing processes, assembly lines, and other industrial settings. This is to improve productivity, efficiency, and precision.

A robot is defined as a powered machine that is programmable on two or more axes and has some degree of autonomy, it moves within its environment to perform its programmed tasks.

The top five industries that use robotics are the automotive, chemical, metal, electronic, and food industries, however, other industries are also implementing various robotics use cases, but not on the same scale as these top five.


The Industrial Robotics market is further split into Automotive Industry Robotics, Chemical Industry Robotics, Electric/Electronic Industry Robotics, Food Industry Robotics, Metal Industry Robotics, and Other Industry Robotics.

Additional information:

The market comprises revenues, volume, and the average price per newly installed robot. It also includes the share of collaborative robots, as well as a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. The market displays both B2B and B2C revenues, and the revenue is based on the country’s demand for robots. It is shown in manufacturer prices. Software revenues are not included, as industrial robots are mostly used with specific software solutions that belong to the company that deploys them.

Key players in the market include ABB, Epson Robotics, Midea Group, and Yaskawa Electric Corporation.

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