Robotics revenue in CEE 2024, by country and type

Revenue of the robotics market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 2024, by country and type

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Supplementary notes

The Robotics market refers to the industry that encompasses the design, development, manufacturing, and deployment of robotic systems and technologies. It involves the creation of machines that perform tasks autonomously or with minimal human intervention. These machines, also known as robots, mimic human actions and/or perform specialized functions in various sectors. These sectors include manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, logistics, defense, and entertainment.

A robot is defined as a powered machine that is programmable on two or more axes and has some degree of autonomy; it moves within its environment to perform its programmed tasks.

The Robotics market shows the market size of robotics in industrial and service use cases. In Industrial Robotics, there are six distinct markets:
The Automotive Industry Robotics market
The Chemical Industry Robotics market
The Electric/Electronic Industry Robotics market
The Food Industry Robotics market
The Metal Industry Robotics market
The Other Industry Robotics market

Service Robotics is further split into:
The Commercial Service Robotics market, which contains the Agriculture, Logistics, Medical and Other Service Robotics markets
The Consumer Service Robotics market, which contains the Domestic and Entertainment Robotics markets.

Data includes revenues, volume, and the average price per newly installed robot. It also examines the level of automation, the share of collaborative robots, and investment in robotics, as well as a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. The market displays both B2B and B2C revenues, and the revenue is based on the country’s demand for robots. It is shown in manufacturer prices. Industrial Robotics does not include software revenues, as industrial robots are mostly used with specific software solutions that belong to the company that deploys them. For Service Robotics, software revenues are considered, as service robots are mostly delivered with software solutions that have been implemented by the manufacturer.

Key players in the market include Kuka, ABB, Boston Dynamics, and Yaskawa Electric Corporation.

Figures have been rounded.
All figures are estimates.

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