Revenue growth of publisher fees in Indonesia 2020-2029

Revenue growth of publisher fees in Indonesia 2020-2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Esports Publisher Fees refer to the payments made by tournament organizers, leagues, and other entities to game developers or publishers for the right to use their games in competitive esports events. These fees are essential for securing the official authorization to host and broadcast tournaments, ensuring that the publisher maintains control over how their intellectual property is used within the esports ecosystem. Publisher fees are a key revenue stream for game developers, enabling them to support the growth of their games in the competitive scene, while also influencing the structure and scale of esports competitions. This market segment highlights the symbiotic relationship between game publishers and the broader esports industry, where successful games drive the popularity of esports, and in turn, esports enhances the game's visibility and longevity.

Additional information:

The market comprises revenues. Sales channel data shows online revenues. All monetary figures refer to the annual gross revenue.
Key players of the market include companies or teams such as FaZe, Cloud9 or TSM.
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