Number of online education users in Russia 2017-2029, by segment

Number of online education users in Russia from 2017 to 2029, by segment

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Online Education refers to the digital platform facilitating the delivery of educational content and services over the internet. Courses and learning materials are accessed through websites or applications, offering flexibility in learning schedules and locations.


The Online Education market encompasses user and revenue development across three key segments: (1) Online University Education, (2) Online Learning Platforms, and (3) Professional Certificates. Online University Education includes platforms offering accredited degree programs and courses from universities and colleges (University Platforms), while Online Learning Platforms provide a wide range of courses across various subjects and skill levels (Course Platforms). Professional Certificates encompass platforms offering specialized training and certifications for career advancement and skill development (Certificate Programs).

Additional Information:

Revenue figures are based on subscription fees, course enrollment fees, and certification fees within the Online Education marketplace. User and revenue figures primarily represent B2C services, focusing on individual learners accessing educational content and services.

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