Penetration rate of fitness/activity tracking wristwear worldwide 2020-2029

Penetration rate of the fitness/activity tracking wristwear market worldwide from 2020 to 2029

CharacteristicPenetration rate
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Statistic: Penetration rate of the fitness/activity tracking wristwear market worldwide from 2020 to 2029
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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Smart bands are equipped with sensors and activity trackers that measure and analyze the wearer's physical activity and body functions (e.g., step count, movement, pulse, and temperature).

Additional Information:

The market data comprises revenue, average revenue per user, users, and user penetration rates. Revenue in the Smart Bands market refers to sales of smart bands and related accessories. Well-known examples of fitness wristwear include the fitness bands from Fitbit, Jawbone, Xiaomi, and Nike Fuelband.

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