Purchase volume sports apparel in the U.S. 2019-2029

Volume of performance sports apparel purchased in the United States from 2019 to 2029

CharacteristicPerformance Apparel for womenPerformance Apparel for men
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Statistic: Volume of performance sports apparel purchased in the United States from 2019 to 2029 (in million pieces)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Sports & Swimwear market consists of sports-inspired and performance apparel as well as swimwear for women.

The women’s Sports-Inspired Apparel market consists of sportswear products that are no longer only intended for training, instead, they are increasingly being used as everyday clothing. This style is referred to as “athleisure,” a fashion buzzword that combines the two words “athletic” and “leisure.” Outfits that come under this umbrella term can include clothing articles such as yoga pants, hoodies, and sweatpants that have an athletic appearance but have not necessarily been designed for high-intensity activities. With greater choice and availability, sports-inspired clothing is gaining popularity with consumers who seek to integrate sporty designs into their everyday wardrobe, and even though they are often worn during athletic activities, they can also be worn on other occasions, e.g., at work or school. Clothing that has been specially designed for sports purposes is excluded and can be found in the Performance Apparel market.

Women’s performance apparel refers to garments that are designed to fulfill a certain purpose or function, keeping the wearer cool, dry, and/or comfortable during sporting activities and physical exercise. Typical sport-specific products include tracksuits and jogging suits, shorts, as well as training shirts and tops.


The Sports & Swimwear market contains data regarding the following categories:

  • The Sports-Inspired Apparel market encompasses lifestyle apparel by sportswear brands and athletic apparel worn for leisure for women.
  • The Performance Apparel market encompasses functional wear for sports purposes for women.
  • The Swimwear market encompasses all kinds of apparel that is used for water sports or water-based purposes apparel, however, it excludes diving equipment for women.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, volume and average volume per capita, price per unit, sustainable apparel share, and sales channels. Online channel distribution refers to the purchase of physical goods in online retail. In other words, the purchase is concluded via the internet – on a desktop PC, tablet, or smartphone. The offline distribution channel covers all purchases in stationary stores made via telesales or mail orders (e.g., print catalogs). The volume data has been converted from kilograms to units in some countries using a typical unit size of 280 grams (typical running gear made for either the upper or lower body).

The world’s biggest sportswear manufacturers are Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, and Puma.

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