Price per unit of smart finance technology in Europe 2016-2026

Average price per smart finance technology unit in Europe from 2016 to 2026

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Outlooks are estimates

The Smart Finance technologies segment displays the application of the Internet of Things to ATMs, a significant instance of IoT in the financial sector. The Smart Finance technologies market size is divided into the following subsegments: Smart Finance Hardware, Smart Finance Platforms, Smart Finance Services, and Smart Finance Connectivity.

The term Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of physical or virtual devices which are able to communicate autonomously with each other using the Internet Protocol.

Market values represent pure IoT revenues paid to primary vendors at manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by consumers (B2C), enterprises (B2B) as well as governments (B2G). Revenues are allocated to the country where the money is spent.

All figures are estimate. A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Market Outlook.

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