Average scooters price in Vietnam 2016-2029

Average scooters price in Vietnam from 2016 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Owing to their relative affordability, scooters are a motorcycle type which remains popular amongst biking enthusiasts who value a light, easy-to-ride motorcycle. Scooters vary by aesthetic characteristics, mode of operation, and engine capacity. Nowadays, scooters can be typically found in the engine capacity range of 50cc to as high as 650cc or more. Unlike many other motorcycle types, scooters have a robust bodywork which serves the chief purposes of concealing all the mechanical parts and providing a cleaner look as well as quieter operation. In addition, they have significantly more built-in storage space than most conventional motorcycles. Ease of use and ample storage space aside, the introduction of electric scooters is an innovation that is driving the adoption of scooters.

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