Average grills & roasters price in the UK 2019-2029

Average grills & roasters price in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2029

CharacteristicPer unit price in U.S. dollars
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Statistic: Average grills & roasters price in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2029 (in U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Definition: The market for grills and roasters includes various electric models designed for household use, such as indoor grills, electric roasters, and raclette grills.

Additional information: The market comprises key performance indicators such as revenues, volume, price per unit, average revenue and volume per household, and sales channels.

Note that the volume sales only refer to B2C (business to consumer) sales, via both the offline and the online channel. The average revenue and volume per household are determined by dividing the revenues and volume by the number of households, where a household refers to a house and its occupants, regarded as a unit. Finally, price per unit refers to the cost of a single unit of the product.

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