Revenue of the fixed data communication services industry worldwide 2018-2029

Revenue of the fixed data communication services market worldwide from 2018 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Fixed Data market is a part of the Communication Services market that delivers internet connectivity to homes and businesses through stationary or wired connections. This includes services like DSL, cable, and fiber optics, which provide high-speed internet access to users. Fixed data connections are typically more stable and capable of delivering faster and more consistent internet speeds compared to mobile data services. It is a fundamental part of modern communication and plays a crucial role in supporting various online activities such as web browsing, streaming, and online work or education.

Additional information:

The Fixed Data market comprises revenues, revenue change, average spend per capita, as well as a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. Market values represent revenues paid by end consumers and enterprises for carrier services directly to telecommunications providers, either directly or through distribution channels (manufacturer prices, excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include consumer spending (B2C) and business spending (B2B). Detailed definitions of each market can be found on the corresponding market pages. Key players in the market include AT&T, Verizon Communications, China Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, and Vodafone Group.

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