Household upkeep spending per capita in Latin America & the Caribbean 2024 by country
This statistic shows a ranking of the estimated total consumer spending on furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house in 2024 in Latin America and the Caribbean, differentiated by country. Consumer spending here refers to the domestic demand of private households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) in the selected region. Spending by corporations or the state is not included. Consumer spending is the biggest component of the gross domestic product as computed on an expenditure basis in the context of national accounts. The other components in this approach are consumption expenditure of the state, gross domestic investment as well as the net exports of goods and services. Consumer spending is broken down according to the United Nations' Classification of Individual Consumption By Purpose (COICOP). The shown data adheres broadly to group 05. As not all countries and regions report data in a harmonized way, all data shown here has been processed by Statista to allow the greatest level of comparability possible. The underlying input data are usually household budget surveys conducted by government agencies that track spending of selected households over a given period.
The data is shown in nominal terms, which means that monetary data is valued at prices of the respective year and has not been adjusted for inflation. For future years, the price level has been projected as well. The data has been converted from local currencies to US dollars using the average exchange rate of the respective year. For forecast years, the exchange rate has been projected as well. The timelines therefore incorporate currency effects.
The shown data are an excerpt of Statista's Key Market Indicators (KMI). The KMI are a collection of primary and secondary indicators on the macro-economic, demographic and technological environment in more than 150 countries and regions worldwide. All input data are sourced from international institutions, national statistical offices, and trade associations. All data has been are processed to generate comparable datasets (see supplementary notes under details for more information).