Food & beverages consumer spending in Europe 2020, by country
The data is shown in nominal terms which means that monetary data is valued at prices of the respective year and has not been adjusted for inflation. For future years the price level has been projected as well. The data has been converted from local currencies to US$ using the average exchange rate of the respective year. For forecast years, the exchange rate has been projected as well. The timelines therefore incorporate currency effects.
The shown forecast is adjusted for the expected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local economy. The impact has been estimated by considering both direct (e.g. because of restrictions on personal movement) and indirect (e.g. because of weakened purchasing power) effects. The impact assessment is subject to periodic review as more data becomes available.
The shown data are an excerpt of Statista's Key Market Indicators (KMI). The KMI are a collection of primary and secondary indicators on the macro-economic, demographic and technological environment in more than 150 countries and regions worldwide. All input data are sourced from international institutions, national statistical offices, and trade associations. All data has been are processed to generate comparable datasets (see supplementary notes under details for more information).