Household penetration rate of IPTV in Jordan 2013-2028
The share refers to the share of television households that use IPTV as their main mode of reception. IPTV uses the internet in contrast to radio signal transmission (via cable, satellite or terrestrial signal) to deliver a continuous television signal. Defining feature of an IPTV connection in this context is the subscription-based connection by a telecommunications provider. Excluded are devices which enable the reception of OTT (over-the-top) video content via the internet (e.g. Roku).
The shown data are an excerpt of Statista's Key Market Indicators (KMI). The KMI are a collection of primary and secondary indicators on the macro-economic, demographic and technological environment in up to 150 countries and regions worldwide. All indicators are sourced from international and national statistical offices, trade associations and the trade press and they are processed to generate comparable data sets (see supplementary notes under details for more information).
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