Art Heists

The World's Biggest Art Heists

Thieves broke into Germany's Green Vault in Dresden on Monday morning and stole jewels of inestimable value. Despite sophisticated security systems, art thieves repeatedly succeed in penetrating museums and private homes. Down through the years, there have been some pretty incredible art heists and some of the most notable instances were detailed in a report from Global Financial Integrity.

The theft of the Mona Lisa from the Louvre on 21 August 1911 remains the biggest art heist in history. Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia wanted the painting displayed in an Italian museum and managed to steal it by hiding it under his coat. He kept the Mona Lisa in his apartment for two years before he was arrested and the precious painting was returned to the Louvre.


This chart shows the estimated value of the world's most notable art heists.

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