Major League Baseball

MLB's Making a Dollar (or Two) on Luxury Tax

The MLB season 2017 has just begun. There are going to be 162 games played by 30 teams. At total of six major league organizations will pay a luxury tax for exceeding the $195 million salary level. With a new collective bargaining agreement set to go into effect, there have never been more teams subject to the tax. In the past years the MLB's luxury tax revenue has gone up quite a bit already.


This chart shows Luxury Tax payments* by Major League Baseball teams (in million U.S. dollars) until 2016

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Highest salaries in Major League Baseball 2024
Luxury tax payroll in Major League Baseball 2021-2022
Major League Baseball - payroll by team 2024
Major League Baseball (MLB) rookie salary 2003-2024
Premium statistics
Total attendance at Major League Baseball regular season games 2006-2023
Premium statistics
Total revenue of Major League Baseball 2001-2024

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