89th Academy Awards

Oscars: The Most Nominated Actors

The 89th Academy Awards ceremony will take place this Sunday, with La La Land up for a joint-record haul of 14 Oscars. Lead Emma Stone is nominated for the Best Actress award, pitting her against the most nominated actor of all-time - Meryl Streep. Streep has been picked out for the twentieth time for her role as Florence Foster Jenkins in the eponymous film. If she receives the accolade on Sunday, she will draw level with Katherine Hepburn as having won the most Academy Awards ever. Hepburn was nominated twelve times, going home the winner four times for her roles in Morning Glory (1933), Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), The Lion in Winter (1968) and On Golden Pond (1981).


This chart shows the most Oscar-nominated actors and how many awards they have won.

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Academy Awards nominations in 2024, by film
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Academy Awards wins in 2024, by film

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