Terrorism & National Security

Where Foreign-born Terrorists Came From

A week ago U.S. President Donald Trump gave order to implement a travel ban lasting a minimum of 120 days on foreign nationals from certain countries. The Trump administration alleged this was necessary to keep America safe from terrorism. All seven countries affected (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen) are majority Muslim countries.

As our infographic based on data compiled by the CATO Institute shows, no American citizens on American soil have fallen victim to perpetrators from those countries since 1975 (and probably not before either). There indeed have been acts of terrorism carried out by nationals from that region of the world. However, none of those countries, most notably Saudi Arabia, fall under the ban. The figures also include would-be assailants who were convicted of attempting to commit an act of terrorism.


This chart shows the number of victims in terror attacks by foreign-born terrorists on U.S. soil (1975 to 2015)

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