
The World Is Divided On The Use Of Torture

Donald Trump conducted his first one-on-one television interview as president last night, affirming his belief that torture works. Citing atrocities by the so-called Islamic State group as justification for waterboarding, he said that "we have to fight fire with fire". He added that he will consult Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo before authorizing any new policy.

The American public is divided on the use of the torture with 45 percent of people feeling it is justified in some cases, according to Amnesty International. Global opinion is similarly divided. Considerable majorities in China and India think torture can be justified to protect the public in some instances while the opposite is true in the UK, Russia and Germany.


This chart shows agreement with the statement "torture is justified in some cases to protect the public".

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Number of deaths due to torture in Syria 2011-2023, by party responsible
Prohibition of torture index in CIS region 2021, by country
Chile: number of torture victims 2019, by gender
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Opinions on the affects of torture worldwide, 2016
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Opinions on the use of torture in war worldwide, 2016
U.S. survey on justification of torture against suspected terrorists 2014

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