Android Dominates Outside of the United States

The iPhone 5 has helped Apple to stage a remarkable comeback in the U.S. smartphone market.
According to Kantar Worldpanel data, Apple’s phones accounted for 48.1 percent of smartphone sales in the twelve week period ending October 28. In the same period last year, iPhones had accounted for no more than 22.4 percent of total smartphone sales.

The United States appear to be Apple’s last stronghold however.
In all other regions in Kantar’s dataset, Android is far ahead of competing platforms.
In China, Brazil, Australia and the EU5 countries, Android’s market share hovers around 60 percent, while iOS devices account for 0.4 percent (Brazil) to 29.4 percent (Australia) of sales.


This chart shows the smartphone operating system market share, based on sales in the 12 week period ending October 28, 2012.

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