
Which countries read the most?

How much time do you spend reading every week? If you're from India, it might be in excess of 10 hours every week, according to data from the World Culture Score Index. By comparison, people in the UK only average 5 hours, 18 minutes while readers in the U.S. and Germany manage 5 hours, 42 minutes. Read more in the indy100.


This chart shows hours spend reading per person per week in selected countries.

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Average daily time spent reading books in Norway 2009-2023
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Daily time spent reading books in Norway 2005-2023, by age
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Daily time spent reading books in Norway 2009-2023, by gender
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Share of population reading books daily in Norway 2009-2023
Weekly book readers in Sweden 2008-2023
Daily time spent reading books in Finland 2021, by gender

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