
Was Blood Thicker Than Brexit Water?

The political and economic fallout of the EU referendum vote have been written about and discussed ad nauseam since the UK voted for Brexit on 23 June this year. Reams of data can be found quantifying the effects and potential future outcomes. Information on one important aspect though, has remained largely anecdotal. Stories of parents voting to leave despite having children working in the European Parliament, friends not speaking to each other and husbands sleeping on the sofa are abound, but how common are such situations really?

The infographic below attempts to quantify this by looking at how people with family or friends in other EU countries voted. Of those surveyed by Norstat for Statista, 4 in 10 Brexiteers said they had personal connections to the continent. This compares to almost half of those who voted to remain in the European Union. While the majority of respondents said they don't foresee any change in how much they will see these loved ones, with so much uncertainty still surrounding the severity of the Brexit repercussions, any number of anecdotes could emerge from behind these cold hard numbers.


This chart shows an EU referendum voting breakdown by whether respondents have family/friends in the EU.

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