Russia Widely Seen As A Threat To Its Neighbors

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center has shown that half or more of the public in most NATO countries consider Russia a major military threat to its neighbors. Concern is highest in Poland where 70 percent of those polled said that Moscow is a major threat in Eastern Europe. Considering the level of concern across NATO states, it comes as little surprise that general views of Russia among the public have also plummeted.

The survey comprehensively charts the increasing animosity between Russia and the West. Pluralities in most NATO countries blame Russia for the violence in Ukraine while anti-Western views and support for Putin are surging across Russia. National pride is also at an all time high - 63 percent of Russians polled said they have a very favorable view of their own country. Furthermore, only 12 percent of the Russian public rated NATO positively. Half of people considered the alliance a threat to their country.


This chart shows the percentage of public in NATO member states considering Russia a military threat to its neighbors.

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