Most Americans Want Their Children Vaccinated

The recent outbreak of measles in the United States has fuelled debate about vaccinations for children. Prominent Democrats and Republicans have been especially vocal on the issue but what do the American public really think? A recent poll from YouGov shed some light on the situation. When asked "if the government should/should not require parents to have their children vaccinated", the vast majority of respendents, 68 percent, agreed.

Vaccine mandates also enjoy considerable bipartisan support with 67 percent of Republicans and 81 percent of Democrats agreeing on the issue. Political independents had the highest level of opposition against vaccinations but nevertheless, 59 percent of them still agreed that they are necessary.


This chart shows responses to whether the government should/should not require parents to have their children vaccinated.

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Measles mortality percentage change worldwide 2000-2022, by region
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Number of measles deaths averted by vaccination worldwide from 2000-2022, by region
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Measles immunization rate in Portugal 2000-2021
Share of children immunized against measles Singapore 2014-2023
Measles incidence rate worldwide in 2000 and 2022, by region
New cases of measles in the U.S. 1985-2024

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