
Amazon Dominates Book Sales Almost Everywhere

Book stores have been in trouble in past years with the steady rise of Amazon, as they struggle to match prices and the convenience of online shopping. This is reflected in the latest collection of data from Statista’s Consumer Insights survey, which shows how the ecommerce giant is dominating the book trade far and wide. 

As our chart shows, U.S. adults are particularly fond of using the service to order their books, with 71 percent of readers saying they had bought a book from Amazon in the past 12 months. The United Kingdom isn’t far behind, with 68 percent of book buyers using the service, followed by Italy with 66 percent and Germany 62 percent.

According to Consumer Insights, competitors that also do well in Europe include La Feltrinelli in Italy (47 percent), Fnac in France (43 percent), La Casa del Libro in Spain (42 percent) as well as Ex Libris in Switzerland (27 percent).


The graph shows the percentage of respondents who bought books from Amazon in the last 12 months.

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