Fake luxury goods

U.S. Shoppers Largely Dismissive of Fake Products

In the age of consumerism and social media, where many people draw self esteem from their material possessions, global trade with counterfeit goods is flourishing. And while it may be a tempting proposition to buy a fake product when money is tight and it's hardly distinguishable from the the original product at a fraction of the price, most Americans are dismissive of counterfeit products.

According to Statista's Global Consumer Survey, just 15 percent of U.S. consumer who purchased a luxury good in the past two years think it's okay to buy a counterfeit product from time to time, while even fewer state that it doesn't feel wrong to wear a fake rather than the real thing.


This chart shows the share of U.S. luxury shoppers who agree with the following statements on counterfeit products.

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