Trump Administration

President Trump’s Approval Rating in Asia

According to a yearly poll by Gallup, approval of U.S. President Trump is varying widely across Asia, with Mongolia and the Philippines exhibiting the highest level of support. The poll asked approximately 1,000 persons over the age of 15 per country if they approved or disapproved of U.S. leadership.

Other countries with a majority of people approving of the U.S. president were Nepal and Myanmar. The least support – in the single digits – came out of Laos.

Overall, the world disapproved of President Trump: His administration's global approval rating was at an median of 33 percent, compared with a disapproval rating of 42 percent. Median approval was lowest in Europe at 24 percent, followed by Asia at 32 percent. Approval grew in the Americas to 34 percent this year and was highest in Africa at a median 52 percent.

The highest approval ratings in Europe came out of Kosovo at 82 percent, followed by Albania at 67 percent. In the Americas, Dominicans were most supportive of Trump, with 56 percent saying they approved of U.S. leadership, while in Africa, Togo (69 percent) and Niger (68 percent) showed Trump the most support.

Infographic: President Trump’s Approval Rating in Asia | Statista


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