2020 Election

How Republicans Fare in the Suburbs

President Donald Trump and the Republican party are betting big on voters from suburban America showing up for them in the coming election. Traditionally, the suburbs have been good for Republican candidates looking to make up for losses in urban city districts. New polls, however, show Trump may be getting the least amount of Republican support from the suburbs in over two decades.

In data collected from telephone polls by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News, the Trump campaign trails the Biden campaign in two of the three main suburb areas in the U.S. In urban suburbs, Biden holds a commanding 25-percentage point lead over Trump, and in the more spread out working-class suburbs, Biden’s lead is a slimmer 2-percentage points. Trump still holds a respectable 7-point edge in exurb areas, which are the furthest from city centers and urban areas.

Historically, Trump’s latest numbers in the suburbs are disappointing from a Republican perspective. All three suburb areas have had higher support for the party over the last several elections. The most harmful aspect for the Trump campaign could come from the working-class suburbs, with current projections completely erasing the gains made by the Republican party over the last two decades for that demographic.

The general election is on Nov. 3 - just a little over 50 days away.


This chart shows the percent Republican share of the presidential vote in selected types of suburbs.

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