COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 How Far Away Are We From Herd Immunity?

The New York Times has compiled the results of eight separate studies examining the number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 and developed antibodies in major cities across the globe. Unfortunately, the results show that we still have a long way to go to develop herd immunity which scientists believe requires at least 60 percent of the population to develop antibodies.

As of May 02, an estimated 19.2 percent of New York City residents had developed antibodies, along with 17.5 percent of people in London and 11.3 percent of those in Madrid. Interestingly, a mere 7.3 percent of people in Stockholm had antibodies as of May 20, which illustrates that Sweden's (and briefly the UK's) experiment to limit its lockdown and build up immunity has had little impact.


This chart shows the estimated share of the population with COVID-19 antibodies.

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