COVID-19 in India

Maharashtra Continues to Dominate New COVID Wave

Almost from the start of the coronavirus outbreak in India, the state of Maharashtra has been hit hardest and this continues in the new wave of the pandemic that just started in the country. Faced with a rapidly expanding outbreak, Holi celebrations were banned in Delhi and Mumbai, among other places.

Looking at active cases, more than 60 percent are now located in Maharashtra. India’s largest city, Mumbai, is however not experiencing the bulk of these cases. Only 8 percent of active cases were in the city as of Tuesday.

On the same day, daily deaths from COVID-19 in Maharashtra made up 57 percent of all Indian coronavirus deaths, followed by around 20 percent of deaths in Punjab.

Tuesday's 47,000 new infections throughout the country were the highest in more than four months. Mumbai recorded a new daily record of new cases at 3,779 Sunday and is expected to have surpassed 5,000 new cases on Wednesday.

According to the Ministry of Health, other hard-hit areas in the country are Kerala as well as Karnataka. Together, the five states were home to almost 80 percent of all active COVID cases in the country at the moment.


This charts shows the number of active coronavirus cases and new deaths in the most effective Indian states (as of March 23, 2021).

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COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra, India October 2023, by type
COVID-19 confirmed, recovered and deceased cumulative cases in India 2020-2023
COVID-19 cases in India as of October 2023, by type
Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) death cases in France 2024
Cumulative number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Italy as of August 2024
Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in France 2024

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