
C. Difficile Is the Deadliest Superbug in the U.S.

More than 48,000 Americans die from superbugs each year, claimed a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cited by the Wall Street Journal on November 13. Clostridioides difficile bacteria is the deadliest infection in the U.S. C. difficile is responsible for 12,800 deaths per year, according to new estimates of 223,900 cases. Staph infections were the second deadliest, with more than 10,000 fatal cases and more than 9,000 Americans died from ESBL-producing enterobacteriaceae. Enterococcus was responsible for 5,400 deaths and Streptococcus pneumoniae infections resulted in 3,600 fatalities.


This chart shows the annual deaths per year in the U.S. by the top infections, as of November 2019.

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