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The Wafer On Top?

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To mark 2019’s National Ice Cream Month, Statista teamed up with global premium wafer and confection brand, Loacker, to survey American consumers on their frozen treat preferences. The public provided insights into their favorite flavors, toppings and even where they liked to pick up their snacks.

With 85% of respondents revealing that they like to invest in feel-good activities at least once each week, ‘enjoying good food or snacks’ appeared alongside ‘watching TV’ and ‘spending time with friends and family’ to make up the country’s top 3 pastimes. Evaluating frozen treat consumption within the context of it bringing some extra goodness into consumers’ everyday lives, the questionnaire uncovered a wide range of data that was further broken down into regional, demographic and even star-sign based trends.

The highlights of the campaign were transformed by the Statista Content Marketing & Information department into the infographic below, as well as into an animated video.

For more information about Loacker, please see: https://www.loackerusa.com


This chart presents survey results on American consumers' frozen treat preferences.

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