Global Warming

London Could Feel as Hot as Barcelona by 2050

A major climate change study has found that London's weather could feel more like Barcelona's by 2050. Even though this might sound like a dream at first to Londoners, the change could turn into a nightmare as it would be accompanied by stretches of severe drought as well as heavier downpours in the wet months, potentially challenging many aspects of life in the city. The research focused on 520 major cities and was published in journal Plos One. Its most concerning finding was that residents in around a fifth of all cities including Jakarta, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur will experience climate conditions that have never been seen in any major city before.

By 2050, it is forecast that Madrid will feel like Iran's Tehran, Helsinki will feel more like Budapest, Seattle will feel like Rome and New York's climate will resemble Virginia Beach's more closely. The increase in average summer temperatures was just one factor the researchers looked at for their city comparisons. It will be one of the highest in Austria's capital Vienna, with summer temps 7.6° Celsius higher by 2050 and the climate more closely resembling Skopje, North Macedonia. Berlin and Paris would be expected to see their hottest month grow more than 6° Celsius hotter on average and their climates turning into those today experienced in Canberra, Australia, and Istanbul, Turkey, respectively.


This chart shows the expected increase of average temperature in the warmest month by 2050 in selected cities.

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