
Which Selfie Spots Are Acceptable?

Two out of three Americans reported taking selfies, according to a recent poll by YouGov. Despite how common they are, where it is acceptable to take a selfie is by no means settled.

Three out of four people surveyed agreed that taking a selfie while visiting a tourist destination is mostly acceptable, while about eight in ten people agree that taking a selfie while attending a funeral is not acceptable. These two extremes draw widespread agreement and decisive majorities, though there are some circumstances that hung the jury of public opinion. Talking selfies on public transportation, at the gym, and while dining at a restaurant divided the sample, with nearly equal portions agreeing it is acceptable as it is unacceptable.

Where people take selfies has increasingly come under scrutiny as more people put themselves in not just rude but perilous situations to get the best picture. The U.S. Forest Service now advises visitors against bear selfies, and Yellowstone national park has created a list of places not to take selfies, which includes geysers and at the edge of canyons.


This chart shows the percent who think it is acceptable or unacceptable to take a selfie in certain circumstances.

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