Purchasing Power

Global Purchasing Power is Moving South

Around the world, emerging economies are taking a bigger share of global purchasing power and traditionally developed economies are having a hard time to keep up.

The biggest nation on Earth, China, is expected to keep its top spot as the country with the largest purchasing power on Earth and is on track to more than double its purchasing power by 2060, according to the OECD. India is expected to move up from rank 3 to rank 2 in that time frame and create a purchasing power more than five times higher than in 2020 in the process.

In the case of Japan, the country is expected to lose two ranks and emerge as the country with the sixth highest purchasing power worldwide, while Germany will drop from rank 5 to 7.

Developing economies Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil are set to move into ranks four, five and eight, in the case of Brazil overtaking Russia. The U.S. is expected to only drop one rank to position 3.


This chart shows the countries with the biggest purchasing powers in 2020 and 2060 (projected).

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