Economic Policy

Which Is the Bigger Issue: Over-Regulation or Inequality?

Frontrunners in the 2020 DNC presidential primary have taken on populist economic policies. This week Elizabeth Warren took aim at FAANG companies in a call to regulate them and possibly break them up. At one point that tough stance on large companies might have been unpopular with many voters, but recent polling by Survey Monkey and Axios indicate that might be changing among a younger generation of voters.

Three-fourths of the youngest cohort of adults believe that the overriding economic problem facing the country is unfairness in the economic system. Only about a fifth of respondents between the ages of 18 and 24 thought that over-regulation of the free market was the biggest issue facing the country. There was less of a consensus among older respondents. Respondents above 55 were split on whether economic unfairness or over-regulation were the defining economic problem facing the country.


This chart shows the percent of people that indicate which economic issue is the bigger problem in the United States: inequality or over-regulation.

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