Portugal Has the EU’s Busiest Psychiatrists

According to OECD and WHO figures ranked by Bloomberg, Portugal has the busiest psychiatrists in the European Union. Over the course of a 12 month period, the average Portuguese psychiatrist had 294 patients. Indeed, 2.94 percent of the country’s entire population was seeing a psychiatrist.

Portugal’s neighbour, Spain, came second. The average Spanish psychiatrist had 255 patients over the same 12 month period while 2.04 percent of the population was actively receiving psychiatric treatment.

The island nation of Malta rounds off the top three – a psychiatrist in Malta had an average of 250 patients while 1% of the population was receiving treatment. While the top three busiest countries for psychiatrists can be found in southern Europe, the top 5 is rounded off by Romania and Slovenia.


This chart shows the number of patients per psychiatrist in EU countries.

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