United Kingdom

Brexit: what should May do now?

Theresa May's Brexit deal was rejected by MPs in what was the biggest defeat for any UK government as the House of Commons threw her plan out by 432 votes to 202. As the prime minister consults with MPs and leaders from other parties as to what she needs to change to get her 'plan B' through parliament next week, the sounds coming out of the EU don’t sound too encouraging. But what do the UK public think May should do to finally move things forward?

A recent ICM survey shows that the most popular option is to pursue a no deal Brexit, with 28 percent of respondents plumping for this option. There was of course a major split between Leave and Remain voters, as our infographic shows. Top of the list for Remainers is a second referendum, while the majority of Leavers are now in favour of no deal. Perhaps ironically, May has already indicated her opposition to both of these routes, instead choosing to continue targeting an acceptable deal with the EU.


This chart shows survey responses to the question: "Which of the following steps, if any, do you think the Prime Minister should now take?" in January 2019.

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