Half of EU Citizens Believe Their Voice Counts

For the first time since polling began on the topic in 2004, over half of EU citizens feel like their voice counts in the Brussels bureaucracy. The Standard Eurobarometer survey released in November 2018 provided some striking results about EU citizen’s relationship to and perception of the euro bloc.

That average has a massive spread between countries. Almost three-quarters of people in Denmark feel as if their voice holds weight in the EU. In Germany, seven out of ten people feel the same as their Danish counterparts. While in Greece only about 1 in 5 people feel as if their voice counts. Notably, in the United Kingdom, only a third of respondents felt as if their voice held weight in Brussels. With the Brexit date fast approaching, the UK’s tumultuous relationship with the EU is reaching its fever pitch.


This chart shows the percent of people who agree that their voice counts in the EU, by country.

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