
Australia's most popular online shopping destinations

Amazon recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Australian platform’s launch, with Amazon Australia Country Manager Rocco Braueniger saying they were “thrilled by the reception” Australians have given the company. While has successfully attracted visitors during their first year as a dedicated Australian marketplace, the most recent research from Roy Morgan shows that it still has ground to make up on eBay and Gumtree in terms of popularity.

eBay has a firm grip on the title of Australia’s most popular online shopping or auction site, attracting 3.78 million more visitors over a four-week period than second-place Gumtree, a company that is itself owned by eBay.

While the news coming from within Amazon Australia is generally positive and full of optimism, the tone of analysts and retailers has consistently remained more neutral, with many taking a wait-and-see approach. The company is generally tight-lipped when it comes to revealing sales data, meaning we may have to wait until the middle of 2019 to be able to gain official insight in to the Australian marketplace’s performance.


This chart shows e-commerce websites by average four-week visitation in Australia.

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