Money Can't Buy Wins

The NBA regular season started this week, with the New York Knicks ranked as the team with the highest franchise value followed by the Los Angeles Lakers and Golden State Warriors. All three teams are valued at over 3 billion dollars.

Unfortunately for Knicks fans, a lucrative franchise does not always translate into a winning team. The five-year winning percent for the highest valued teams is not strong. Over the last five-years the Knicks have won a little over a third of their games, while the Lakers have won around 29 percent of their games.


This chart shows the NBA franchise value in 2018 and 5-year winning percentage by team.

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Average franchise value of National Basketball Association teams 2001-2023
Value of National Basketball Association franchises 2023
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Average franchise value in major U.S. sports leagues 2007-2023
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Total attendance at National Basketball Association regular season games 2010-2024
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Total revenue of the National Basketball Association 2001-2023
Franchise value of the Dallas Mavericks (NBA) 2003-2023

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