Yemen Civil War

Hodeidah Pushes Civilian Deaths Up in Yemen Civil War

Civilian deaths in the Yemen civil war increased between June and August of 2018. Many of these deaths came from the Hodeidah governate, a province bordering the Red Sea. The uptick in civilian deaths is largely attributable to a pivotal battle over the summer, where the Yemen government coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, tried to gain back control of a key port city from the Houthi rebel faction, which has held it since 2015.

In recent months, the frontlines of the battle have been fought in densely populated urban areas, positioning civilians at a unique risk for death and injury. Schools and hospitals have been targeted for attacks, breaking international laws protecting civilians. A string of lethal attacks in April received global press.

The Iran-backed Houthis, who ousted the president and governing party in 2015, have been at war with a government coalition backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates over the course of the three year civil war.


This chart shows the percent change in civilian deaths from the Yemen civil war between June and August 2018.

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