
The Kerala floods were the worst in over a century

August brought a literal flood of torrential rain to the southern state of Kerala and the Kodagu district of Karnataka. Even opening the shutters of the Idukki dam after 26 years could not stop the 164 percent excess rainfall that month. Overall, the region’s monsoon rainfall has been 42 percent higher than usual.

This unprecedented rainfall has led to death, displacement and destruction which will take years to rebuild. Rescue operations continue in Kerala while the government is in talks for international loans; Kodagu, on the other hand is stumbling back to normality as people start making their way out of relief camps.

In addition to assistance from the central and state governments, private companies and organizations rally for monetary and material relief. It is possible to donate to the relief effort here.


This chart shows key data regarding the severe flooding in the Indian state of Kerala in 2018.

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