Ad Spending

Millions Spent Advertising for Supreme Court Nominee

Conservative special interest groups are shelling out millions of dollars in targeted ads to boost support for Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Liberal spending in this political arena has paled in comparison.

Right wing organizations, like the Judicial Crisis Network, have methodically advocated for conservative judges and case rulings brought to the highest court in the country. Conservatives effectively blocked Merrick Garland, an Obama nominee, from the Supreme Court and successfully confirmed Neil Gorsuch, a Trump nominee.

The Left is stepping up its spending and advocacy efforts this year, with campaigns focused on the midterm elections. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee had their most lucrative fundraising month last July, outraising the National Republican Congressional Committee by over 3 million dollars, though their Supreme Court spending has been weaker.


This chart shows ad spending and fundraising by partisan special interest groups in the U.S., 2018.

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