Government Shutdowns in the United States

After weeks of bickering between the House of Representatives and the Senate, it has finally happened – a U.S. government shutdown is occurring for the first time in almost 18 years. Republicans insisted on delaying Obamacare while Democrats held firm, bringing a halt to all non-essential governmental operations.

Up to 800,000 federal employees are facing unpaid leave with no guarantee of back pay while national parks are closing and medical research projects are stalling.

This is the 18th time a shutdown has occurred. The last time this happened was in December 1995 under President Bill Clinton. A dispute between Democrats and Republicans was also the cause and the shutdown lasted 21 days. The Republicans caved and passed legislation to keep the government open.

The situation could deteriorate even further if agreement is not reached in raising the country’s 16.7 million dollar debt ceiling by October 17.


This chart shows the length of U.S. government shutdowns in days.

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