
Summer heat wave takes its toll on Japan

In late June through mid-July, Japan experienced its heaviest rainfalls in decades, causing severe flooding and landslides in the south-western prefectures of the country and claiming over 200 lives. Along with major interruptions in sectors such as transportation and manufacturing, small and medium sized businesses suffered great losses. As the country is recovering from the rainy season, facing a bill of approximately JPY 270 billion to rebuild destroyed infrastructure, the weather has not loosened its grip on Japan.

For the past few weeks, the island nation has been struggling with a sizzling heat wave, with temperatures climbing above 40 degrees celsius in several parts, including Tokyo. According to the latest report from the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, almost 10,000 people suffering heat strokes were taken to hospital by ambulances in the week from July 9th to 15th, of which a dozen died. While most of the emergencies occurred at home, about 13.5 percent of the patients suffered heat strokes at work, such as factories or construction sites. As the weather shows no signs of cooling down, the public is advised to drink plenty of water, rest often and stay in air-conditioned rooms. The heat wave, already being the hottest on record, has also raised concerns about the 2020 Summer Olympics. Officials are currently discussing countermeasures against heat to protect athletes and spectators.


This chart shows the weekly number of emergency transports of patients with heat strokes in Japan.

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