Boris Johnson vs. Theresa May: too close to call

During President Trump's working visit to the UK, he gave an interview to tabloid newspaper The Sun in which he dropped a number of bombshells on Prime Minister May. Among them was a warning regarding May's Brexit plan, saying: "If they do a deal like that, we would be dealing with the EU instead of dealing with the UK, so it will probably kill the deal”. Piling further pressure onto the PM, he also threw his support behind recently resigned foreign secretary Boris Johnson, saying he would "make a great prime minister".

Johnson has long been expected to launch a leadership bid, and the chances only seem to have gotten higher since his resignation. While he apparently has Trump's backing, does he have enough support among the public and, perhaps more importantly, Conservative voters? A new survey by YouGov reveals that Johnson and May are actually seen in a similarly unfavourable light across the country and, while they are certainly more popular among Conservative party supporters, there is very little to choose between the two of them at this stage in terms of popularity.


This chart shows the popularity of Theresa May and Boris Johnson in 2018.

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Perception on Boris Johnson as possible Conservative leader Great Britain in 2017
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Satisfaction rating of Theresa May as Prime Minister in the UK 2017
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Boris Johnson popularity in Great Britain in 2018, by age group
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Survey: Political competence of Theresa May in the UK 2017
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Public trust in Theresa May desire to help those "just about managing" UK 2017
Prime Minister preference in the United Kingdom 2020-2024

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