
Nearly 13 Million Syrians Are Displaced

As the west contemplates military action in response to the suspected chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, Russia has warned the US that air strikes risk starting a new war. That could lead to an even greater spike in the number of displaced Syrians, 13 million of whom are now scattered all over the world.

That's according to a Pew Research Center analysis published in January. It found that over 6 million Syrians are displaced within their own country and they account for 49 percent of all Syrians displaced worldwide. Turkey has the second highest population with 3.4 million displaced people currently living there.

Another million of them have made the long and dangerous journey to Europe. Germany hosts most of them with 530,000, followed by Sweden with 110,000. Another 54,000 Syrians live in Canada while 33,000 are in the United States.


This chart shows the estimated number of displaced Syrians in 2017.

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Median age of the population in Syria 2020
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