Global Attitudes

I Gotta Say, it Was a Good Day!

Whether people consider themselves happy or have had a good day is, at least to a certain extent, a cultural variable. Some people seem to have a generally more positive outlook than others. This is true for people living in North America who, according to data compiled by the Pew Research Center, are more likely to say they had a good day than, for example, their peers in Europe.

In Europe, it's the Swedes who often have good days, followed by the British. The median in Europe lies at 22 percent for good days, 73 percent for typical days and 6 percent for bad days. The global median lies at 30 percent for good days, 62 percent for typical days and 6 percent for bad days. So, while many people have good days, most are having typical ones - which overall doesn't seem too bad.


This infographic shows the share of respondents who had a good, typical or bad day in selected countries in 2017

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