Christmas in the US

Fun Facts About Christmas in the United States

Holidays are full of tradition and Christmas is no exception. It so happens that Christmas traditions, however, seem to differ from country to country, family to family, even from person to person. So this makes you wonder: who are the 11 percent who do not celebrate Christmas this year and what are they doing instead? Also, who are the 16 percent that go Christmas shopping in a restaurant? Is there something the majority is missing here? And who are the 13 percent who would overspill with joy about new pans and pots as a Christmas gift? Much more importantly: Is one of them my mom? Now, with Christmas being the time of sharing and caring, why are there only 2 percent helping out at a homeless shelter? And finally, do we not all, in all reality, belong to the 7 percent who are not sure about whether Santa Claus really exists or not and are we simply too afraid to admit it publicly?


This chart shows fun facts about Christmas in the United States with selected insights from Statista's Holiday Season & Spending Survey 2017.

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U.S. Christmas Price Index by cost per item 2023
U.S. Christmas Price Index inflation per item 2023
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Sales volume of Christmas chocolates in France 2010-2023
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Christmas e-commerce revenue in Brazil 2019-2023
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Average spending on Christmas gifts in the U.S. 2000-2023
Parents spending on Christmas gifts per child in the United States 2023

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